
Frequently asked questions

What if I don’t know anybody?

You’ll make friends in no time. Each camper will be assigned a unit of eight other guys and you’ll do everything together: get outfitted, bring food, set up camp, compete and generally solve problems. You will be good friends with your unit by the time this thing is over.

What if I don't go to church or am not religious?

Cool. You'll still love it. There will be plenty of other guys there, just like you. This camp includes intentional spiritual content, but its application goes beyond four walls and a steeple. We know you’ll still get something out of it. Trust us.

What if I’ve never camped before?

No problem. This trip is all about getting outside your comfort zone. It’s designed to challenge and encourage everyone, whether you’ve camped for decades or don’t own a tent (yet).

How old do I need to be to attend a retreat?

The minimum age is 18. We know there are lots of 15-year-old men (and 40-year-old boys), but the law of our state says you're an adult at 18, and 99.4.1 retreats are an adults-only adventure.

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